General surgery

Στο κέντρο μας γίνονται σχεδόν όλες οι χειρουργικές επεμβάσεις. Ενδεικτικά αναφέρονται οι ακόλουθες:

  • Excision of the external auditory canal and perforation of the tympanic tubercle.
  • Ophthalmological operations (entropion and ectropion restoration, blepharoplasty, tarsoplasty, eye extraction).
  • Oral and cervical surgery (maxillofacial surgery, glossectomy, soft palate resection, nictitating ducts resection, salivary gland removal, thyroidectomy).
  • Thoracic surgery (thoracic cavity trocar placement, lung lobectomy, pericardiectomy, pleurectomy, thoracic cage mesh repair).
  • Surgical repair of hernia (salivary hernia, umbilical hernia, inguinal hernia, perineal hernia, diaphragmatic hernia, abdominal hernia).
    Stomach and intestinal surgery (gastrotomy, gastrectomy, enterotomy, enterectomy, enteroanastomosis, colectomy).
  • Splenectomy
  • Liver surgery (cholecystectomy, biliary stent placement, gastric-cholecystic anastomosis)
  • Ovariectomy or orchiectomy (neutering of female or male animals, respectively).
  • Mastectomy.
  • Urinary system surgery (urethrostomy, nephrotomy, nephrectomy, nephrectomy, nephrectomy, cystotomy, cystectomy, penectomy, ureterotomy)
  • Neoplasia removal.
  • Orthopedic operations.
  • Emergency surgical cases (e.g. stomach turning and distension, pyometra, dystocia, etc.)

Anaesthesia is administered with inhaled anaesthetics after intubation of the animal, which provides safety and rapid resuscitation with almost no strain on the animal's vital organs, even during long surgical procedures (unlike intravenous drugs to maintain general anaesthesia).
Throughout the operation, the patient's anaesthesia progress is monitored by a veterinarian-anaesthesiologist and with vital signs monitoring equipment, while there is also the possibility of mechanical respiratory support with the use of a ventilator.

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